Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Yoda backpack of deep pressure

So, this is the trifecta of sensory pressure for one of my kiddos:

1.  I'll load it down with paper and that'll provide pressure
2.  It has a belt-strap to distribute the weight and keep the backpack from falling off or slipping down, no matter how he wiggles, crawls, boogies, and generally acts like a monster at play.
3.  It's Yoda.

Normally, Yoda draws a blank stare at this age, but this kiddo comes from a Star Wars rich environment.  And while I think mom has the right idea by saying the violence in the saga is not exactly the best problem-solving model for this kiddo ("SSKTS!  I will strike you down!"  "Mr. Jedi, put the lightsaber away and tell your friend to give you back your puzzle piece, please."), it's hard not to love a kiddo who knows that Han shot first.  Heck, it's hard not to just love this kiddo, period.

So I'll share my Christmas prezzie with him, provisionally, with supervision, for a limited period of time.

...and only if it works the way the therapist promises me it will work...

...and it's still my Yoda backpack.  Mine.

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